Example Post: Sicherheit und Transparenz für Ihre(Nutz-)Fahrzeuge

Independent from the possibilities for cost savings, TeamSystem uses the platform to intelligently adapt the fleet strategy at any time. The prerequisite for this is control over all aspects of the fleet. It allows intervention at any time. Real-time data and analysis tools are the basis for defining new targets. That is why the company even wants to further use Avrios even when the costs for the fleet will have decreased further.

Cost reduction


TeamSystem is the largest software company in Italy and has been on the market since 1979. Over the past ten years the Pesaro-based company has acquired several companies. In the past, the software company used Excel spreadsheets to manage its fleet. During the course of the acquisitions and the associated increase of the number of vehicles, a professional fleet management system became necessary. The TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) of the fleet was to be optimized and leasing expenses reduced. For this purpose TeamSystem needed a complete overview of all cost items. Similarly, individual vehicle data such as contract durations and the use of fuel cards should be available on a daily basis.

TeamSystem initially tested four to five different fleet management software providers. However, these solutions did not meet the company's high requirements. Either they were too complicated to use or only focussing on administrative tasks.


The fleet management platform from Avrios on the other hand, meets all the requirements of TeamSystem. All cost areas and vehicle data can be identified, analyzed and managed in real-time. The fleet manager is informed about everything that concerns vehicles and their drivers at all times. The data is incorporated into the car policy and is the basis for leasing contracts. TeamSystem also uses the option of customizing the platform and its tools individually. This opens up further possibilities for controlling and monitoring.

The improved overview and associated control functions have enabled TeamSystem to massively reduce costs with only two employees. Fleet costs decreased from 5 percent of the company's expenditures to 1 percent.

In concrete terms, within one year TeamSystem saved €80,000 in additional fleet costs within one year. These include, for example, lower damage costs. Expenditures decreased from €300,000 (2018) to €220,000. The target for 2020 is a further reduction to €150,000.


Thanks to Avrios, TeamSystem has already been able to massively reduce fleet costs. This process is not yet completed for the company. Further cost savings are the goal. As a next step, the company is planning a complete evaluation of the Avrios data in order to create new guidelines for the vehicle fleet. This will be supported by data structures that can be set up individually and the company's own guidelines.

Independent from the possibilities for cost savings, TeamSystem uses the platform to intelligently adapt the fleet strategy at any time. The prerequisite for this is control over all aspects of the fleet. It allows intervention at any time. Real-time data and analysis tools are the basis for defining new targets. That is why the company even wants to further use Avrios even when the costs for the fleet will have decreased further.

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